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Task Basics

Create a task

To create a task, it is necessary to first create a group and then a board.

Depending on your board view is theis what you need to do:
List view: Enter the task name and klick on the Plus

Kanban view: Choose your Label/Status/Priority List, Klick on the Plus in this list and enter your task name

Gantt view: Enter a task name and klick on the Plus

Calendar view: Klick on the day you want to work on the task, a task detail window opens, enter the task name, then press Enter.

Create a description

When you create a new task you can use different functions.

Create a description of the task. The description can be personalized by a number of functions:

  1. Add a link
  2. Address a user by using the @ sign
  3. Add an emoji
  4. Add a file
  5. Insert a video URL
  6. Make style changes to the written text.

Add attachements

Click on the chain symbol in your task detail view and select the source from where you want to load your attachement.

Create subtasks

The subtasks are displayed in a list structure and can be checked off after completion. They are then automatically crossed out. This process can be also undone.

Change the task title

Click in the task name field. Change the name and press "Enter".

Ad your team to a task

Assign the responsibilities of the task: With a click on the person icon you can choose who should do the task and who will get informations about changes in the task.

Delete a task

It is not possible to delete a task with time entries. If you already time tracked, you only have the possibility to tick off the tasks.

If you created the task accidentally, you have different options to delete the task.

  1. In List view you hover over the task and fin a trash symbol on the right site.
  2. In other view you just open the tas detail window and find the trash symbol directly under the task name on the right site
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